I recently painted mainly digital, therefore i have tried
to refresh my skills with acrylic paint and brush.
The method, concerning the colour, is not unalike to
digital painting. Nevertheless I was surprised, how many
elements I could translate from digital painting in acrylic.
The aim of the exercise was to create a realistic picture,
under use of different tonal values. To put the focus on the
tonal values, i have chosen to paint in black and white.
Inspired by an interview between Peter Bogdanovich and
Kirk Douglas in a newspaper, the motive choice was clear.
Technique: acrylic painting, 30 x 40 cm
Da ich in letzter Zeit hauptsächlich digital malte,
habe ich mich mal wieder an einem Acrylbild versucht, um
den von mir vernachlässigten Umgang mit Pinsel und echter
Farbe aufzufrischen. Die Technik, den Farbauftrag betreffend,
ist der Computermalerei nicht unähnlich. Dennoch war ich ich
überrascht, wie viele Elemente ich aus der digitalen Malerei
in Acryl übersetzen konnte. Ziel der Übung war es, unter
Verwendung unterschiedlicher Tonwerte ein realistisches Bild
zu erstellen. Hierzu schien mir die Ausführung in Schwarzweiß
sinnvoll, um den Focus auf die Tonwerte zu legen.
Nach der anregenden Lektüre eines Interviews zwischen
Peter Bogdanovich und Kirk Douglas im Süddeutschen Magazin,
war die Motivwahl klar.
11 Kommentare:
Beautiful painting! Very nice indeed.
Great painting, loving your work on show here! :)
Thank you very much for your kind comments ken and neil. :)
I often visit your blogs and are inspired every time.
I have added a link to your blogs.
Phat Painting - one of your best!
The Brotherhood
This is your best!!! amazing! I too learnt to paint from useing digital and it just proves you can cross over and how much better it looks.
hi patrick,
klasse, bin überwältigt!!!
super idee, wunderbare umsetzung, hut ab vor deiner geduld und ruhigen hand...muß wohl am weizenbier liegen...muß auch gleich eins aufmachen.
leider hab ich gar keine zeit für so schööne sachen. bin auch ganz neidig, dass du zum workshop und ich nicht heuuuuuuul, darf gar nicht dran denken. trinkst halt mit dem geronimo einen oder vier auf mich.
alles gute
Are you taking drugs?
Thanks GREGOR.
Thanks a lot NIALL. That you have done the same experiences like me, confirms me, that it`s never wrong to try out many techniques.
For me, it is also important to have a good reference, like in this case.
I had a excellent foto, with this light and shadow situation.
Many thanks BERND, it`s quite sad that we won`t meet at the workshop, we will miss you :-(.
And you are right, it`s the wheat beer that makes me able to paint, so i hope that i answered also your question, NELSON.
Beer makes ugly people having sex and guides you through your paintings ;-).
completely awesome, Patrick!
I hope you're well
that's just awesome!
just came across your blog. great work, all of it.
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