Barely Two months and there is a new post of me.
I was busy with the competition contributions to the "Austrian Cartoon Award". That was proclaimed to the UEFA European Football Championship, in Austria and Switzerland. It was allowed to submit five contributions, Franck Ribéry is my first, the others i will post shortly.
Technique: Computer painting
Kaum vergehen zwei Monate und schon gibts wieder einen neuen Post von mir.
Ich war mit den Wettbewerbsbeiträgen zum "Austrian Cartoon Award" beschäftigt.
Der wurde zur Fussbaleuropameisterschaft, in Österreich und der Schweiz, ausgerufen.
Ingesamt durfte man fünf Beiträge einreichen, Franck Ribéry ist mein erster,die anderen poste ich in Kürze.
Lohnt sich mal vorbeizuschauen: http://www.cartoonaward.com/
3 Kommentare:
I really like this Patrick, you dont have to try too much with him since hes already a self-caricature :) Hows things in Munique?
Thanks nelson,
you are right, he is a natural caricature and a quite nice guy.
I had the possibility to study him live. The training place of the
"FC Bayern" is five mintuten far away from my home.
See you
nice job my friend
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