A new post for a longer time. From the 15th to the 19th of september i visited the fourth "Krüger Workshop" in Barsinghausen. It was an impressive and inspiring week where i could met completely friendly and extremely gifted caricaturists and illustrators. They came from all over the world.(see link list). More at the blog of Sebastian Krüger.
The picture of Samuel L. Jackson i painted in the second half of September.
Technique: Digital
Ein neuer Post seit längerer Zeit. Vom 15-19 September besuchte ich den vierten Krüger Workshop in Barsinghausen. Es war wie immer, eine eindrucksvolle und anregende Woche, bei der ich durchweg freundliche und äußerst begabte Karikaturisten und Illustratoren kennenlernen durfte. Sie kamen aus der ganzen Welt. (siehe Linkliste). Mehr dazu auf dem Blog von Sebastian Krüger.
Das Bild von Samuel L. Jackson, habe ich in der zweiten Septemberhälfte gemalt.
13 Kommentare:
Hey Patrick thkx man for the visit hope you had a great time in tyhe Krugers this year i couldnt make but i see a lot of improvement in your work this one is proof of it, terrific job congrats. In November i will be in Dusseldorf maybe we can drink a Weißbier :)
Thanks a lot for your kind words Nelson, yes had a great time at the workshop, Krüger did a very big piece with three persons, hopefully he will publish it on his blog. Took him three days. It`s a pity but Düsseldorf is a bit to far from my home but when you are in the area of Munich, mail me.
Thanks for the comment in my blog!.. this painting is a master piece!.. congratulations!..
Hey Patrick!!!
Thanx for visiting my blog!
I really love your caricatures!
Well done
Make sure to keep in touch.
Thanks very much bogar and dominic,
i am looking forward seeing your
future artwork.
Hello Patrick,thanks for the visit. Your gallery is fabulous
Fabulous stuff - really top notch!!!
Patrick, nice work on the latest post. It makes me hungry for a "Royale with cheese".
Thanks manohead,
Thanks tim bye,
Thanks Augie,
it´s better to be hungry for a "Royale with cheese", than to
feel the desire to shoot someone. ;-)
hola amigo patrick....
eres todo un maestro para la caricatura,,tengo mucho que aprender de ti......felicitaciones,,,
excelentes trabajos
saludos y exitos
supersache patrick!!!
eines deiner besten, weiter so.
freue mich, mehr von dir zu sehen...
liebe grüße aus wien,
Hello, Strogulski.
My name is Tiaggo Gomes. I am a Brazilian cartoonist, I love your style of painting and distort.
I do not speak fluent English, therefore I use a Google translator! It is as if it were written for this! Certainly very bad! kkkkk but I hope that something is understood.
I leave my blog as in the case of interest to see some of my work.
Congratulations you have a beautiful space!
Tiaggo Gomes
Hello Tiaggo, thanks for your nice comment. I took a look at your blog, very good caricatures !
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