HELLO! I've found your site exploring one of Spanish entertainment portals. For me your great! When I saw this painting I've realized that this guy looks the same as one of Polish TV celebrities! Check him out if you want: http://www.plejada.pl/3,17510,news,1,1,edward-miszczak-zostal-czlowiekiem-mediow,artykul.html http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Miszczak Thank you for what you do to make people smile. Best regards from Poland! Michał
AntwortenLöschenI've found your site exploring one of Spanish entertainment portals. For me your great! When I saw this painting I've realized that this guy looks the same as one of Polish TV celebrities! Check him out if you want:
Thank you for what you do to make people smile.
Best regards from Poland! Michał